Coming Up for Air – A Renewed Effort at Finding Space to Reflect

I can’t sugarcoat it – it’s been a rugged last few months. The winter season completely and totally kicked my butt! I felt overworked, overwhelmed, under rested and under appreciated. It was like a 100 Day Survival Test. By the end of it (in mid March) I was spent – in every sense of the word. Physically I am a mess; I have gained almost 20 pounds since last summer, my diet is embarrassing and haven’t exercised at all. In addition, I haven’t picked up a book in ages and my brain feels like it has turned to mud.

I went out to dinner twice in the last two weeks – once with co-workers and another time with an old college teammate. I realized they were the first meals I have had with adults since August. My social skills are rusty! I have not made any real friends outside work and have had LITERALLY no social life at all. “All work and no play, make Jack a dull boy” 😀

I’ve made a concerted effort to try and bounce back. Over the last month, I have caught up on some sleep, cracked open a new book and actually planned a few real meals and cooked.

Thought I would make an effort to get back in the routine of sharing some reflections in this forum as well so here goes. I liked the format I experimented with last so am going to use the same prompts.

What I am reading: I finally finished one of the books I started last fall (in typically read 2-3 at a time) so started one I bought over a year ago: Lloyd Percival, Coach & Visionary. I listened to a podcast about Percival and was keen to learn more about the Canadian who was an innovator in several sports, most noticeably hockey. I’m just getting into it but it seems like a great read about a sport leader who was not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom.

Podcast I have listened to: Podcasts were a constant even through the winter since I have a 25 minute drive each way to work. Today I finished listening to Arthur Brooks on the “Ten Percent Happier” podcast (one of my favorites) and signed up for his class on EdX as a result. Very interesting insight into the science of happiness.

Personal growth challenge of the week: I have set a soft goal of trying to start some form of resistance work during the upcoming week. I even bought a kettlebell. I have noticed a marked increase in nagging aches and pains and, in particular, a reduction in flexibility and general strength.

Work issue I am contemplating: This one is easy for me. I have felt as if I have been so busy, I haven’t accomplished anything – including some really critical, basic things I identified as being absent when I landed in my new role. The most glaring is around coach onboarding and orientation. We have several new coaches this spring and amazingly, the school has never had a “coaches’ handbook” or manual to aid new coaches. When I arrived (before school started) I crafted a Parents Handbook; my next project will be putting pen to paper on Coaches and Student-Athletes Handbooks as well.

Thing I am most grateful for: SPRING! I have to admit, I have been miserable during my first winter back. I think the only reason people must enjoy winter is if they have favorite winter activities. My first winter season was so insane, I had no time to enjoy ANYTHING let alone outdoor or new activities. The cold and snow were nothing but a giant pain to me. I can’t wait to plant some flowers and finally feel like I am thawing out!

I am going to do my best to try and stay somewhat consistent in blogging. Frankly, I need to get better at this practice if for no other reason than to force me to sit down and reflect on few things thanks to the prompts I have chosen. Here’s hoping! 🤞🏻

1 thought on “Coming Up for Air – A Renewed Effort at Finding Space to Reflect

  1. Hey Troy –

    I read your post and felt I could relate to those feelings of being down, stuck, and SO over winter!


    div>About a year and a half ago I began a correspondence project with an old high school friend – Jane Flynn. We have both had to deal with some pretty difficult situations and we began this “experiment” as a way to bear witness to each others struggles and experiences. Over the months our writing has become something we each looked forward to and something th

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